Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day of Wonder

Where else can you get a crash course on the use of power tools in the morning and then learn to make cheese in the afternoon?

Olivier took us through the finer details of the operation of the circular saw and the "Sawzall" this morning.  He even gave us little welcome packages...earphones, safety glasses, and an enormous measuring tape. We'll be using these tools for various activities throughout the year...timber framing, barn repair, and other projects.  There's something very deeply satisfying about cutting through a large piece of lumber with a loud, dangerous power tool.  I've never even considered the possibility of being able to acquire and be competent in construction skills. Hmm...maybe it's time to rethink that supposition.

Cheesemaking, aka dairy transformation, is an amazing process.  It's really not unlike hanging out in the chemistry lab for the afternoon.  You add cultures and coagulant to heated milk and something rather magical happens.  The science behind it is intriguing to me and I'll have to do some investigating.  We made queso fresco, whole milk ricotta, yogurt, kefir, and chevre.  Emily, who keeps goats, horses, and chickens on her farm, was a most excellent teacher.  And, she sings to her goats as she's herding or milking them.  Lucky goats!

1 comment:

  1. love hearing about the first week, liz ... sounds INTENSE!
